Our Beginner introductory course creates the perfect start for people to get into horseback riding by first learning the complete basics. the course is about 4 hours long and is mandatory for new riders coming to take lessons.
This Indoor Clinic is set up for any beginner riders from the ages of 5 to 105 wanting to take lessons at Sweet Talk Stables. It is also open to anyone who wants to learn basic horsemanship. The clinic consists of 4 sections over a couple of hours including:
1) Safety & Etiquette
2) Horse body Language catching and Leading
3) Parts of the Horse and grooming
4) Tack and Tacking up
to book your spot e-mail joyce@sweettalkstables.com
5) You will be working with horses on the ground.
We find that children under the age of 10 need to take the course with a parent or guardian as they can not always do everything on their own. The parent/guardian should be the person that will be bringing them to and helping them get ready for their lessons.
We offer a Parent/Guardian and child price of $150+GST for the duo.
Regular Clinic Price is $125+GST
We also offer group rates (schools, businesses, friends, etc.) if you have a group of 4 or more contact Joyce.